
List of Gatsby transformers used and links to their documentation.


Creates ImageSharp nodes from image types that are supported by the Sharp image processing library and provides fields in their GraphQL types for processing your images in a variety of ways including resizing, cropping, and creating responsive images. Works with gatsby-plugin-sharp.


Parses raw JSON strings into JavaScript objects e.g. from JSON files. Supports arrays of objects and single objects. This is used for parsing the table_of_contents.json file but with it enabled, any JSON file can be used in your project.


Parses Markdown files using Remark. Much of this project relies on this transformer, which also has its own list of plugins here:

Processes images in markdown so they can be used in the production build.

Wraps iframes or objects (e.g. embedded YouTube videos) within markdown files in a responsive elastic container with a fixed aspect ratio.

Adds syntax highlighting to code blocks in markdown files using PrismJS.

Copies local files linked to/from markdown to your public folder.

Adds GitHub-style hover links to headers in your markdown files when they’re rendered.