

The table_of_contents.json file is where you provide the structure for your documentation, and content for its navigation. It relies on Gatsby's gatsby-transformer-remark to parse Markdown files. It is queried in the templates/doc.jsx page and passed the data into the <TableOfContents / > component.


Here is an example of how a multi-chapter Table of Contents could be set up:

  "id": "table-of-contents",
  "possibleProp": "possibleVal",
  "chapters": [
      "title": "Chapter 1",
      "subchapters": [
          "title": "Subchapter 1",
          "sections": [
              "post": "./"
              "post": "./"
          "title": "Subchapter 2",
          "sections": [
              "post": "./"
              "post": "./"
      "title": "Chapter 2",
      "subchapters": [
          "title": "Subchapter 1",
          "sections": [
              "post": "./"
              "post": "./"


Main parts of the json file and their purpose:

chapters - Top-level structure. If a chapter is listed, then a corresponding subchapter is required. Not a link by default.

subchapters - Mid-level structure. If a subchapter is listed, then a corresponding section is required. Not a link by default.

sections - Bottom-level structure. Requires a post property that points to the corresponding Markdown file. The path to the Markdown file is relative to the table_of_contents.json. This is a link by default to the slug of it's corresponding Markdown post.

Entry Point to Gatsby

The table_of_contents.json is accessible to Gatsby through the gatsby-source-filesystem plugin that is configured in this project's gatsby-config.js by this snippet:

    resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
    options: {
    name: 'docs',
    path: `${__dirname}/src/docs/`,

If you want to move it, you must change the path above as well.


After this initial entry point by gatsby-source-filesystem, a transformer that is installed, called gatsby-transformer-remark parses any Markdown files the filesystem finds and transforms them into special objects with unique fields and properties not available just as a .md file. This is important in the gatsby-node.js file, as we add a slug field.


Because of the above snippet, the table_of_contents.json is now queriable by Gatsby wherever you may need it.

By default, this query happens in the templates/doc.jsx file and looks like this:

tableOfContents: docsJson {
      chapters {
        subchapters {
          sections {
            post {
              childMarkdownRemark {
                fields {
                frontmatter {

Note that you may add other fields to your Table of Contents items. The childMarkdownRemark is created in the gatsby-node.js file.