TableOfContents Component

The <TableOfContents / > React component is what receives the queried data from table_of_contents.json and loops over to build the nested left nav of Chapters, Subchapters, and Sections. It lives inside the doc.jsx file.

Because it is build of styled-components, it is completely stylable to your needs. You may also make use of the ThemeProvider that is set up with gatsby-starter-skinny-docs.

It is very customizable if you choose to pass additional fields from table_of_contents.json and access them within this component..

It relies entirely on the structure of the table_of_contents.json file to stay virtually the same. So be prepared for changes in several files if you wish to make structural changes to the Chapter/Subchapter/Section design.

By default, it looks like this:

class TableOfContents extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const chapters = this.props.posts.chapters;
    return (
        { => (
          <Chapter chapter={chapter}>
            { => (
              <Subchapter subchapter={subchapter}>
                {{ post }) => (
                  <Section section={post} />